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Genre: Young-Ault , Thriller , Romance
But I am there now , having a wonderful week , free of any work. Hope every one of you had amazing week and must be onto some book right now. Today, I decided to write about "Verity" The book I got as Gift on my birthday.
It's now on Lowen whom to trust and who is lying.
2024 Thriller Book Review :Verity
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Genre: Young-Ault , Thriller , Romance
Diary or Letter ?
Colleen Hoover the author in trend with her books like "It Ends With Us", "Ugly Love", "Verity" and so much more , is just out there on screen of every bookstagrammer.
Hello, My lovely readers. First of all a sincere apology for not updating the blog, I was stuck in my reading slump and Lord it was hard to get out of it with all college assignments.
But I am there now , having a wonderful week , free of any work. Hope every one of you had amazing week and must be onto some book right now. Today, I decided to write about "Verity" The book I got as Gift on my birthday.
Being a sucker for thriller and suspense, I was on my toes all along when I saw that it was a mix with romance.
The story focuses on Lowen, the struggling writer, adjusting when she should not have been. Looking for a way to earn some dimes, she gets an opportunity to turn her fortune, when she is offered by Jeremy( Verity's husband) to become ghostwriter for the famous author "Verity" who is now in coma and complete her series.
Lowen pounces on it. It was the only way she could lead the life she dreamt of. The catch : she has to stay with Jeremy and Verity in their house and complete the book using Verity's last notes before she went into the coma.
At first it looked normal but Was It ? Nope
Lowen felt it, and she would see it soon, the skeletons of the family.
After settling and deciding to explore the desk of Verity to be more close to her series, she finds the diary, more like autobiography. With each passing page, it takes turn of events which become darker and disturbing about Verity's life with Jeremy.
As, Lowen tries to find the truth about Verity and what really occured, like a fish trying to get out of fishnet gets more stuck in it. Lowen gets more trapped into this web with threads of Closeness with Jeremy too binding her.
As, Lowen tries to find the truth about Verity and what really occured, like a fish trying to get out of fishnet gets more stuck in it. Lowen gets more trapped into this web with threads of Closeness with Jeremy too binding her.
Everyone are Suspect : Jeremy or Verity ?
It's now on Lowen whom to trust and who is lying.
My Experience With The Book-
By the end of this book, I was screaming literally shouting because this was just such a up and down. My mouth was wide open throughout the book, mainly the headboard scene (ikyk). The character of Lowen was morally grey, The author showed the complexities of human nature and bonds in a different light. The End where Lowen finds the letters and that she flushed Verity's letters unable to deal with the confusion and was satisfied with her life with Jeremy. A secret that she decided to take to her grave.
Just like that we humans, run from the confrontations like Lowen ran from confronting Jeremy about letters and the theories in her mind. We all settle for something that is not too complex and does not disturb our so called "peace."
Colleen really impressed me with this shift of genre and I had my head making theories till the end of the week about the open ending that Hoover amazed readers with.
I would highly recommend this book to all who want best of Hoover and would love some thriller in their romance.
Not all green flags are garden i.e.Jeremy ;), some are dark forest too where you can get lost.
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